
Healthy Streets, Healthy People Fair Attended by More Than 300 Community Members

July 26, 2023 by

Healthy Streets Healthy People Fair 2023The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and Summer Medical Leadership Program (SMLP) joined Betsy Peyton and planning committee members for the Healthy Streets, Healthy People fair held on July 8, 2023 at the Booker T. Washington Park.

The theme of the Healthy Streets, Healthy People fair was two-fold:

  1.  To address safety issues through providing mental health resources, youth programs, conflict resolution, alongside substance abuse and crime prevention.
  2.  To create environmentally healthy streets through home gardening, transportation, protecting the tree canopy, walkable streets and accessible parks, gentrification issues, bike riding promotion and responsible energy.

The event had more than 40 booths from community members, 350+ people in attendance and over 1800 pounds of free groceries given out (including 350+ pounds of fresh local vegetables).

SNMA medical students and SMLP undergraduate students worked alongside Betsy to organize games and activities for children of the community who attended the fair.  This event facilitated relationship building between community members, increased access to resources and promoted community wellness. It was an incredible success and we are looking forward to seeing you at next year’s Healthy Streets, Healthy People Fair in the summer of 2024.

Filed Under: Community, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion