Anderson Symposium: Immunity to Viruses in the 21st-Century
The objective of the Anderson Symposium is to deepen our understanding of anti-viral immune mechanisms, promoting the development of effective vaccines and therapeutics. Four leading experts will discuss the latest…
Date: Apr 17, 2023 - Apr 17, 2023
Start Time: 1:00 pm
End Time: 5:00 pm
NIH Proposal Development Series
iTHRIV is hosting a 6-week NIH Proposal Development Series. to help improve your NIH grant submission success. Six hosted webinar sessions with weekly discussions is scheduled for Thursday, May 4…
Date: May 4, 2023 - Jun 8, 2023
Start Time: 4:00 pm
End Time: 6:00 pm
Jie Sun, PhD and the Sun Lab's research about the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19 was covered in the Daily Press and other outlets. Dr. Sun's research establishes the relationship…
National Doctor’s Day – Celebrating Our Exceptional UVA Health Doctors
In recognition of National Doctors’ Day 2023, the School of Medicine would like to thank all our physicians who care for our patients with compassion and a commitment to excellence…
New Requirements for 2023–2024 SOM Promotion and Tenure
The Office of Faculty Affairs manages all promotion and tenure actions at the School level for both regular cycle actions and expedited reviews for retention purposes. The procedures for promotion…
BME graduate student Zehra Demir is one of three honorees selected for UVA’s John T. Casteen III Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award. Demir is a first-generation college student who has…
Pharmacology Department Journal Club Recognizes Influential African American Scientists
Black History Month is a time to honor the achievements, rich culture, and history of African Americans and recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of Black people to society. In alignment with recognizing…
BIMS Program Recognizes Student Awardees at Annual Graduate Biosciences Society Symposium
The Annual Graduate Biosciences Society (GBS) Symposium was held on Friday, March 17, 2023 in McKim Hall. The day was filled with terrific presentations from the Outstanding Student awardees from…
Date: 2023-03-17 - 2023-03-17