Welcome to this month’s edition of Medicine Matters. This edition is an excellent example of the excellence and dedication of our faculty and staff. When you scroll through the pages, you have to be amazed by the sheer number of awards, breadth of faculty and staff activities, and impact on people’s lives. From Monte Parsons being selected for a Sandridge Outstanding Contributor Award to Dr. Jie Sun being awarded the UVA Distinguished Research Award to Dr. Jennifer Kirby impacting the lives of her patients in profound ways, it is so impressive! I cannot offer thanks enough!
This month, we highlight the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism and my deepest gratitude to Dr. Chris McCartney, who has served as the interim Division Chief for over a year. While we are close to selecting the new Division Chief, Chris’s leadership has been inspirational and transformative through a difficult time post-pandemic. Chris has navigated staffing shortages, heavy patient demand, and other challenges while supporting the faculty and staff and their career development with selfless devotion. The Division has a storied past, and faculty are leaders in many areas of the field. As you will read, the Division has an amazing future, with many young clinical investigators leading the way with groundbreaking research. Please take the time to learn more about this great Division, and best wishes for a healthy, happy month of February.
With best wishes,
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine
Filed Under: Message from the Chair
Tags: Awards, DOM, Education, Endocrinology, faculty, fellows, january 2023, January Medicine Matters, medicine matters, profile, Publications, Research, Residents, staff