Medicine Matters! You might wonder about the genesis of our newsletter moniker. Twelve years ago, we were looking for a way to communicate within the Department and, more importantly, to elevate our stature and celebrate the amazing work in our Department. We held a contest to solicit the best name for the newsletter, and Dr. Bill Petri sent us “Medicine Matters.” Dr. Petri won a 16 GB Ipod for his suggestion as well! Here we are twelve years later; Medicine Matters is going strong and is an excellent vehicle for communication. I hope it helps all of you better understand our community. We are always open to suggestions, and please send any along.
This month it is fitting to highlight the Division of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care led by Dr. Imre Noth. To say the least, this group of faculty and amazing fellows has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their excellence in clinical care, research, and education, and their grace and resiliency under pressure have been a model for all of us. We owe them a tremendous amount of gratitude for all of their efforts and dedication. From the early days of the pandemic, when they placed themselves at personal risk to developing cutting-edge care protocols and performing critical research studies, they have excelled at every moment. I am so proud of this group! I encourage you to read Dr. Noth’s article describing their work in more detail. I am sure you will be impressed.
With best wishes,
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine
Filed Under: Basic Research, Clinical Research, Education, Message from the Chair, News and Notes, Research
Tags: DOM, Education, March 2022, March 2022 Medicine Matters, March Medicine Matters, medicine matters, newsletter, profiles, Publications, Pulmonary, Research, staff