
Message from the Chair – December 2021

University of Virginia Dr Mitchell RosnerWow! It is hard to believe that we are in December and the winter lies ahead. I hope everyone is getting ready for the holidays and looking forward to good food and time with families and friends. This month we celebrate the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. This Division has a great tradition of excellence, as you will read about below. The number and quality of publications are astounding and impressive, as are the education programs within the Division. Clinically, the Division has world-renowned programs in many areas such as esophageal disease, advanced endoscopy, hepatology, liver transplantation, and many others. The Division has also pioneered outreach programs in Latin America which have touched many lives in profound ways. Over the past year, the Division has pulled together through some significant challenges, and my personal thanks to all of the faculty and staff for their dedication and hard work. Please congratulate the faculty in the Division for all of their accomplishments and success.

With best wishes,

Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine

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