I hope everyone is well and holding up during these difficult times. It is times like these when we have to act as a community and support one another. What does it mean to have this sense of community? To me, it is the feeling that we have of belonging, a feeling that we matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that we are in it together. It is also the commitment to care for and support everyone around us, especially those that are less fortunate. In a time when divisiveness is so prevalent, it is easy to get caught up in the politics and forget the simple facts that we are better together.
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
This month we highlight the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, a world-class group of clinicians, educators, and researchers under the leadership of Dr James Scheiman. In the past years, the Division has gained national prominence and continues to excel as you will see below. In addition, two key members of the Division, Drs Ann Hayes and David Peura are retiring. We thank both of them for their many years of service and we wish them well. As you read the description of the Division, I am sure you will be impressed and my thanks to all of the members of the group for their tireless efforts.
With best wishes,
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine
Filed Under: Message from the Chair
Tags: Awards, DOM, Education, GI, July Medicine Matters, July Medicine Matters 2020, medicine matters, profile