
New Research Laboratory Space Planned for the Division of Nephrology

The Division of Nephrology/CIIR will inaugurate a new research laboratory in early 2020. 9,000 square feet of modern laboratory research space in Pinn Hall is being renovated to accommodate the expanded research funded by the Division/CIIR. The design of the space will be a state-of-the-art facility. The location of the research labs is in close proximity to the Department of Biomedical Engineering as well as to science departments. Colleagues and collaborators interested in kidney diseases will facilitate collaborations and growth.

Top Panel: Renovation of Pinn Hall, 4th floor. We have completely redesigned approximately 9,000 sq ft of bench laboratory space. The new space will incorporate “open lab” design and will accommodate 8 research faculty members, 35 postdoctoral and laboratory support staff. It includes surgical suites, tissue culture area, microscopy room, etc. The open design will facilitate collaboration and expansion of projects.

Lower Panel: laboratory space will be similar to the already renovated 3rd floor of Pinn Hall.

Establishment of NCRC Biorepository, Biomarker-Bioanalysis Core, and Small Animal Microsurgery Core, under the direction of Jitendra Gautam, Assistant Professor and Director, Nephrology/CIIR Research Core. Dedicated laboratory space has now been fully renovated and fully equipped to begin carrying out the objectives of these facilities. The cores will operate to support members of the R25 by facilitating collection, barcoding and storage of biopsy and other tissue specimens. Analytical studies will be performed including ELISA assays for biomarkers, Elispot assay, DNA, RNA isolation, immunohistochemistry, and other assays. Surgical Core offers support for ischemia-reperfusion, nephrectomy, real time GFR measurements.


Filed Under: Basic Research, Clinical Research, In the Know

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