The Division of Nephrology and Center for Immunity, Inflammation and Regenerative Medicine (CIIR) led by Mark D. Okusa, MD, John C. Buchanan Distinguished Professor, are nationally recognized for excellence in patient care, education and research. The Divisions of Nephrology/CIIR consists of 36 full time faculty with primary appointments in the Division and one Professor Emeritus: 24 MD/DO, two MD/PhD, and eight PhD. There are a number of postdoctoral fellows/graduate students in the Division/CIIR and additional scientists and undergraduate and medical students.
We have recruited five new faculty members to the Division starting this fall who are highlighted in the “New Faculty Spotlight” section.
This past year was notable for award winning educators and clinicians, new NIH Grants, and numerous faculty members in leadership positions. We celebrate the many accomplishments of nephrology faculty and are grateful to the patients for whom they care.
~ Mark D. Okusa, MD
Filed Under: Message from the Chair, News and Notes, Notable Achievements, Top News
Tags: Awards, DOM, medicine matters, Nephrology, newsletter, Publications, Research, Residents, september medicine matters, september medicine matters newsletter, staff