Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Prior to moving to Charlottesville, I was employed at George Mason University in Northern Virginia. I moved to Charlottesville for a position with the School of Medicine Dean’s Office in 2008 in Budget and Finance, then to the Department of Medicine in 2012. I’ve been in Central Virginia for 12 years, and enjoy NOT having to deal with Northern Virginia traffic every day.
Why education and why research?
Education is empowering for so many people and Academic Medicine is interesting. All of the missions – clinical care, research, teaching, and community service can positively impact and transform people’s lives. It is an honor to be part of that, even indirectly.
What excites you about your work?
Being able to contribute to make suggestions to improve systems and make processes better.
Proudest / greatest achievement outside the professional realm?
Earning my Master’s degree as an older student while working full time using my education benefits from George Mason. The program pushed me way outside my comfort zone as giving presentations was required for almost every single class, in addition to writing lots of papers. Still do not like public speaking but am now more comfortable because of that educational experience.
Next life?
Doing something with dogs. Dogs are a joy and have such pure hearts.
What are you usually doing on the weekend?
Quilting and lately, square dancing.
Most admired person, and why?
My siblings, I continue to learn from each of them. People often hear me say that when it comes to sisters, I was the mega-millions winner. My oldest sister Toni has always been so calm and a very thoughtful gift giver. Whatever few social skills I have I learned from my sister Sara. My brother Seb and I are very close in age and we were always mixing it up. Having him as a brother taught me that direct, straight forward way of communicating that served me well when I was an adjutant in the Air Force on active duty in a flying squadron with fighter pilots. Clear the air and move on.
Filed Under: News and Notes
Tags: August 2019 Medicine Matters, August Medicine Matters, August Newsletter, DOM, Education, newsletter, staff