Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have just arrived to UVA as of July 1st in order to start my Fellowship, but I consider Virginia as my second home because I completed my Medical School training at VCU. I am a native of Southern California, and I attended UC Irvine for my undergraduate degree in Biology with a minor in Management. I’m so happy to be back in Virginia, living in Charlottesville, and excited to meet new people and explore all the great places to eat. I can’t wait to ‘yelp’ it up!
Why healthcare?
Medicine was always in the back of my mind growing up. I would say my influence came from my grandfather, who was a general surgeon. I took time off after college to pursue a variety of interests including office jobs and teaching, but I found myself always gravitating back to medicine, from shadowing at my local ENT to ER volunteering and administration to volunteering at an occupational therapy clinic for children with physical disabilities. When I took a deep self-evaluation of myself and what I wanted to accomplish, I concluded a career in medicine would provide me with many rewarding opportunities to partake in lifelong learning and to serve others. After just completing residency, I am happy to say it still holds true today!
What brought you to Charlottesville?
I really like living in Virginia for so many reasons, and I was lucky to be matched to UVA Rheumatology. I am really happy and excited to be here.
What excites you about your work?
I am excited for the opportunity to meet patients who come from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. They all have a unique story to tell, and as a Healthcare Provider, it is exciting for me to listen and work to put the pieces of the puzzle together in order to help solve their health issues, and improve their quality of life.
Proudest / greatest achievement outside the professional realm?
I was very proud of the time I drove all the way from California to Virginia in order to attend medical school, and proved to my parents how independent I was.
Next life?
Teacher OR Foody Instagram Star.
What are you usually doing on the weekend?
You can usually find me checking out all the latest food trends, and I’m looking forward to doing this as well in Charlottesville AFTER my Board Exams are completed.
How did you meet your partner?
Esther and I met during Residency, and we are now enjoying being Newlyweds!
What’s something you always have in your fridge?
Ice Cream. Always ice cream.
Favorite vacation/activity spot
Japan is my all-time favorite place to visit; for the food, the culture and the people.
Most admired person, and why?
My parents are the people in my life that I most admire because their many sacrifices provided a better life for my brother and me.
Best advice anyone ever gave you?
Compare only to your yesterday’s self.
What about you would surprise us?
I’m usually seven years older than how I appear! People are often surprised that I am older than I look.
Filed Under: News and Notes
Tags: August 2019 Medicine Matters, August Medicine Matters, August Newsletter, DOM, Education, medicine matters, newsletter, Rheumatology