Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was at Univ. Texas in Houston for 6 years after completing fellowship training, then moved to Kansas City and private practice for 20 years. I helped out at the VA Medical Center in KC but wanted to return to academic medicine for a long time, and jumped at the opportunity UVA offered. I knew UVA’s Department of Medicine as a top choice for housestaff training, and I knew UVA and Charlottesville because my son was a grad student here.
What excites you about your work?
The chance to delve into complicated medical problems and try to put the pieces together, and the opportunity to try to bridge some aspects of clinical rheumatology and molecular genetics.
Proudest / greatest achievement outside the professional realm?
Being part of the growth of my children into great adults and great people, and remaining part of their lives.
Next life?
What are you usually doing on the weekend?
Epic charts; figuring out clinical problems; working on teaching
What is something that can always be found in your fridge?
Plenty of vegetables.
Favorite vacation/activity spot
Anyplace where my adult children live.
Most admired person, and why?
Mary Betty Stevens, a well known, incredible rheumatologist and diagnostician; and the many additional teachers whose shoulders I was able to stand on.
Best advice anyone ever gave you?
Just put your head down and work.
Filed Under: News and Notes
Tags: August 2019 Medicine Matters, August Medicine Matters, August Newsletter, DOM, Education, faculty, medicine matters, Rheumatology