Bryan Sauer, MD
In April, Dr. Bryan Sauer led a UVA Medical Team to Guatemala to provide treatment to the people there. As a result, dozens of people in Guatemala are now getting the medical care that they need from doctors and nurses from UVA. Another group will head down this November and then again in March of 2020.

The medical team
2016 – Endoscopy needs assessment performed in the Sololá, Totonicapán, and Quetzaltenango regions of Guatemala
2017 – Dr. Bryan Sauer partnered with Americares and Olympus to provide endoscopy equipment to be stationed at Hospitalito Atitlán
2018 – Dr. Sauer set up the equipment
2019 – The first clinical care team performed a week of endoscopies with the help of Dr. Michael Dougherty (Fellow Physician), Dr. Nicolas Nickl, Nurses Farren Dodson, Terri Rodee, and Sarah Schumacher, and Nurse Anesthetist Dixie Mills.

Hospitalito Atitlán
Filed Under: News and Notes, Pay It Forward: Community Service, Top News
Tags: community outreach, DOM, GI, international outreach, July Medicine Matters, medicine matters, newsletter, outreach