National Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach Trainings
VCDPE has been busy presenting our Lifestyle Coach Training (LCT) training for the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). The National DPP was created in 2010 to address the increasing burden of prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes in the US. This national effort created partnerships between public and private organizations to offer evidence-based, cost-effective lifestyle change interventions that help to prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes. To date, we have trained 245 lifestyle coaches throughout Virginia and the United States. We recently had an amazing 2 days in Abingdon, VA at the Southwest VA Higher Education Center at our largest LCT to date. We had 37 registrants, mostly healthcare professionals from the Southwest region of Va. VCDPE is fulfilling a mission of the VCDPE to provide greater access to diabetes prevention programs in high risk areas of the state.
Online National-DPP Lifestyle Coach Training
An exciting development within our Center’s efforts around the National DPP has been the creation of an Online Lifestyle Coach Training Program. Developed last Fall, and pilot tested in January, we are now completing our third Online training this month! Every course has been sold out and very well received. We look forward to continue growing our online National DPP training and continuing education, as well helping and mentoring program providers to establish a hybrid of online + live delivery of the National DPP in their respective regions around the state.
2019 Virginia National-DPP Annual Networking Meeting
Diabetes prevention providers don’t have an annual meeting to help them stay current with new research and trends like we do for diabtetes so in 2018, the Virginia Center for Diabetes Prevention & Education initiated the first Virginia Diabetes Prevention Program Networking Meeting. In April of 2019, we held our second annual meeting to full room. We had 79% of all CDC recognized National DPP’s in the state of Virginia present at the meeting, with great regional representation. Seventy plus National DPP providers, organizations, and stakeholders had a meaningful day of educational talks and networking to establish collaboration.
The day started with an overview of where we are with National DPP’s in VA, then moved onto a session by Dr. Linda Delahanty, MS, RD about “Strategies to Sustain Weight Loss”. Recruitment and Retention were the focus of the next session. Lunch was full of networking and discussion, and then Cassi Stish from Welld Health gave a demonstration of their health software. The day ended with a panel on how to “Build Rapport and Bolster Retention”. All present at the meeting earned 2 continuing education credits.
Filed Under: Education, News and Notes
Tags: DOM, Education, Endocrinology, June Medicine Matters, June Medicine Matters Newsletter, medicine matters, newsletter