
Comings and Goings

Mitch5-editThis is the time of year when we say goodbye to retiring or departing faculty members, welcome new ones to the department, and honor and celebrate excellence in our current faculty and staff. (See a list of 2017 Department of Medicine awardees here.)

Special congratulations to our 16 faculty members who were awarded promotion or tenure by the UVA Board of Visitors in this past academic-year cycle (see the list here).

And we salute and thank our faculty members who are retiring. Many of these distinguished colleagues have spent all or most of their careers at UVA; collectively they have 230 years of service between them!

  • Sharon Esau, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, after 35 years of service
  • Robert Gibson, MD, Lockhart B. McGuire Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, after 36 years of service (Dr. Gibson retired as of July 3rd, but will continue to assist with clinical patient care)
  • Erik Hewlett, MD, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases & International Health, after 37 years of service (awarded emeritus status by BOV in June)
  • Gail Macik, MD, Professor of Medicine and Pathology in the Division of Hematology-Oncology, after 19 years of service (awarded emeritus status by BOV in June)
  • Anthony McCall, MD, James M. Moss Professor of Diabetes in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, after 16 years of service (Dr. McCall will continue to have a consulting role in the division)
  • Edward Rose, MD, Dudley F. Rochester Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and chief of the Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, after 38 years of service (awarded emeritus status by BOV in June)
  • Diane Snustad, MD, Claude Moore Associate Professor Medicine in the Division of General, Geriatric, Palliative and Hospital Medicine, after 31 years of service (awarded emeritus status by BOV in June)
  • Alda Vidrich, PhD, Associate Professor of Research in Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, after 18 years of service

I especially want to thank Ed Rose for his leadership of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine over the last six years (as well as his 38 years of service to UVA). He will officially step down at the end of September; you can read a Medicine Matters profile of him here.  Another change in the Pulmonary division, in addition to the retirements of Dr. Rose and Dr. Vidrich, is the resignation of Borna Mehrad, MD, E. Cato Drash Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, who left us in July to assume the role of chief of the Division of Pulmonary Medicine at the University of Florida. We congratulated him on this achievement, and wish him well.

Wherever you work in the department, I encourage you to take time to thank those who are departing, congratulate those who have been recognized for excellent work, and greet those who are new to the University and Charlottesville and help them become part of our community.

Have a great rest of the summer!





Filed Under: Message from the Chair
