
Nephrology Fellows at March Mid-Atlantic Young Investigator Forum

From Nephrology division chief Mark Okusa:
“The Mid-Atlantic Young Investigator Forum was held in Baltimore on March 21, co-chaired by Michael Choi of Johns Hopkins and UVA’s Thu Le. This is a forum where young investigators (fellows, postdocs, students) in the mid-Atlantic region present their research to colleagues and a panel of distinguished judges. (The division’s Didier Portilla was one of the judges).  This year, 20 young investigators participated, including, from UVA, Joseph Leeds (nephrology fellow, Swaminathan Lab), Vikram Sabapathy (postdoc, Sharma Lab), Jakub Jankowski (graduate student, Okusa Lab) and Leon Delalio (graduate student, Isakson Lab).  The atmosphere was vibrant and high energy, and all the UVA trainees gave outstanding presentations.

Special congratulations go to Leon Delalio and Vikram Sabapathy for 3rd and 4th place wins, respectively. Leon and Vikram will proceed to the final competition at the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Spring Clinical Meeting in Orlando on April 18.

Many thanks to Michael and Thu for their time and effort in putting together quality presentations. Good luck to Leon and Vikram on April 18th!”

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