During his tenure as HR director, Brian implemented an “employee of the month” program that provided recognition and an opportunity to say “thank you” to DOM’s many hard-working staff members. Here, Brian presents an award to Liz Olmsted of the Division of Infectious Diseases.
In January, the Department of Medicine said farewell to its Director of Human Resources Brian Gittens, EdD. Brian left to take a position as Associate Dean for Human Resources, Diversity, and Inclusion in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In this role, he will serve as the chief human resources and diversity officer for the 4,000 faculty and staff in school’s 26 departments, ten centers and six institutes.
DOM held a celebratory lunch in Brian’s honor on Wednesday, January 6. Dr. Rosner thanked him for his many contributions and presented him with an engraved clock to mark his time at the University. In an email announcing Brian’s departure, Dr. Rosner wrote:
“Brian had an instrumental role in revamping many of the structures and processes within the Department of Medicine. His tireless dedication to improvement, his thoughtful attention to detail, and his personal touch have distinguished his time at UVA. On a broader level, Brian has led our community outreach efforts and, in the School of Medicine, has been a key leader on diversity and inclusion efforts. On a personal level, I will miss Brian’s sense of humor and his focus on results.”
Filed Under: New Faces, New Places