
“Running a Fever” Program Supports ID Runners

Chelsea Richmond

Bill Petri (right), chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, reports that the division launched a new program in 2015, “Running a Fever,” whereby division employees — faculty, staff, students, fellows — who plan to run in a Charlottesville track club event can have their registration and training costs paid for by the division. The Richmond Half and Full Marathon on November 14th included three runners from the division: Carrie Cowardin (top left), Chelsea Marie (below left), and Dr. Petri himself. He says all three of them set personal records in the race.

Also ran: ID’s Costi Sifri (below right) ran in the 2015 Philadelphia Marathon on August 22nd (but he refuses to share his time!).

Finish Line RichmondCosti-Sifri-Philly-race-cropped

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