
Fellowship Match for 2016 Graduating IM Residents

The fellowship match for DOM’s 2016 graduating internal medicine residents took place on Wednesday, December 2, 2015. The results are listed below, by area of specialty. Hearty congratulations to all!

Internal Medicine ResidentSpecialty/Fellowship Institution
AlHajri, FahadCardiology, Tufts University
Alshaibani, FadelHematology-Oncology, Cornell University
Carrera, CarolynHematology-Oncology, University of Virginia
Churchill, CristinaGastroenterology, Dartmouth College
Cornella, ScottGastroenterology, University of Virginia
Corning, BrookeGastroenterology, University of Virginia
DeMaria, DavidCardiology, Medical University of South Carolina
Fleece, MollyInfectious Diseases, University of Virginia
Gray, MeganInfectious Diseases, University of Virginia
Halligan, WillCardiology, Medical University of South Carolina
Havard, RobertHematology-Oncology, University of Utah
Kumral, DennisGastroenterology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Loguidice, MichaelCardiology, University of Texas Southwestern
Ombres, RachelHospice & Palliative Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Pitts, KellyGastroenterology, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
Sturek, JeffPulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, University of Virginia
Welch, ThomasCardiology, University of Rochester
Workman, VirginiaCardiology, Yale University
Wadlin, JoshGeneral Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

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