
Year: 2016

Positive Comments May 1 to December 1, 2016


Positive Comments from our patient satisfaction surveys can be viewed by clicking the link. To find a provider name or keyword, use CTRL+F to bring up the search utility.

The Impact of Bundled Payments


After seeing this headline in the news: “CMS Announces Bundled Payments for Joint Replacement Surgery”,  my neighbor told me that he was going to need to hurry to have his…

Service Lines: Putting Patients at the Center of Their Care


Nationally, we are observing that many major medical centers are using service lines to manage their clinical operations.   The American Association of Medical College’s Advisory Panel on Health Care has…

Becoming Our Patient’s “Pharmacy Home”


We've had a lot of interest in our most recent blog post and wanted to share some additional thoughts from the Director of Pharmacy, Rafael Saenz. One writer acknowledged that…

Creating Academic Currency


Clinicians and medical leaders are integral “agents of change”  in contemporary healthcare systems.  We help to imagine, create, shape and shepherd ideas.  In academic settings, we are also encouraged to…

Positive Comments February to May 2016


Positive Comments from our patient satisfaction surveys can be viewed by clicking the link. To find a name, use CTRL+F to bring up the search utility.  

The Broken Button


I’ve been having some trouble with the garage door opener for the last 6 months. There’s an indoor button that fails intermittently. Since it’s not happening every day, I’ve resorted…

Positive Comments September 1, 2015 – February 1, 2016


Positive Comments from our patient satisfaction surveys can be viewed by clicking the link. To find a name, use CTRL+F to bring up the search utility.